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Batch Scripts

Take advantage of the power of KeyStone to automate inefficient processes and bridge the gap between the core and your third-party vendor systems.

Featured Batch Scripts


Keep members' accounts in good standing by automatically bringing shares with a negative balance positive if the funds are available in another of the member's share accounts and facilitating fee refunds. This Batch script can also automate the charge-off process for share accounts after a configurable number of days with a negative balance

Adverse Action

Simplify the adverse action process for credit unions by scanning all denied loans and personal membership applications. It generates an XML file that can be easily delivered to third-party notice vendors or used internally to create PDFs for in-house notice printing..

Rate Change

Available for both loans and shares, this batch script will update your rates for all members (across all credit scores) whenever a rate change is needed. In today’s volatile rate environment, our rate change script can help your staff avoid data entry errors and save valuable time.

How Can Key CUSO Help?

Our development team can create or customize batch scripts for any purpose. Generate daily/weekly/monthly extract files with the proper formatting for any third-party vendor. Manage internal core member data to ensure the most up-to-date information is always available.

As with all Key CUSO products, batch scripts are completely customizable and our staff will work with you to provide deliverables on a schedule that works with your demanding timeline.

Additional Batch Scripts

Report Name Script Description
Branch Reassignment Organize your members’ data and update their records to better reflect the branches or locations they use. This script will reassign the branches to all the shares and loans under the account, automatically, based on a given criteria.
Share Charge-Off Script will charge off share accounts after being 45 days negative. Script also refunds fees to the charged off accounts from the day the account went negative, and performs many other tasks like adding notes, placing holds, expiring debit cards, etc.
Adverse Action Script will produce XML files based on given criteria and field names.
Member Segment Script evaluates various criteria and assigns members to different segments based on the credit union relationship. It is completely customizable and allows you to organize your membership into categories that are meaningful to you.
Calyx Point Import Script will read a Calyx extract file and create a new loan, add collateral, and any other additional records required. Client would provide all the required fields to be imported with a mapping document outlining where in KeyStone each field in the Calyx extract should be mapped. Any values required by KeyStone, but not contained in the extract, can be handled using arguments to be completed each time the batch script is executed.
Daily Credit Card Extract File Script will create daily extracts containing share level data, primary balance and available balance, to be used in stand‐in situations when real time authorizations on KeyStone are not available. This extract would be provided to Client's 3rd party plastics vendor.
Custom Note Script to add or remove a custom note provided by the CU based on the provided criteria.
Bad Address/Statement Mail Group Update Script to flag bad addressed accounts.
Loan Charge-Off Script that reads a CSV file provided by the the CU and then proceeds to Charge the Loans off; adding the flag and all other tasks that are performed in a typical Charge Off Situation.
Dormant Account Cleanup Scripts cleans up all Dormant Accounts, whether that is closing the accounts or adding a note flag.
Dividend Bonus Script to add a bonus dividend calculation to all shares that meet the provided criteria.
ACH Origination Insert Script to insert ACH Origination records based on a custom CSV.
Special Checking Qualification Script to notate checking shares to see if they qualify for the special share upgrade, with criteria provided by the CU.
Minor to Regular Account Script Updates all minor accounts to regular membership accounts once they turn a certain age.
Collection Notes Import Reads a custom CSV file and add Collection Notes, Reasons, and Explanation fields to the specified loans.
Automatic LOC Limit Increase/Renewal Updates all LOC limits that are up for renewal and applies an increase or keeps the limit based on renewal qualifications.
Special Savings Fund Funds the special savings if the account meets the required criteria provided by the Credit Union.
Check Hold Update Updates the checks that have been on hold based on the criteria provided by the CU.
Fee Reversal Reverses fees based on the criteria provided by the Credit Union.
Skip A Pay/Loan Deferment Allows the Credit Union to customize their criteria to automatically skip loan payments for qualified loans.
Verafin Extract Create a custom extract batch script for a CU to extract the data needed for Verafin's Tool.
Plansmith Extract Create a custom extract batch script for a CU to extract the data needed for Plansmith's Tool.
Sageworks SJL Create a custom extract batch script for a CU to extract the data needed for Sageworks's Tool.

We have many UI and batch scripts already available in our KeyStone Script Library.


More Information

Feel free to reach out to one of our CUSO staff members for more information on this, and other services we offer.

(409) 923-1412

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